如题,心情不好才会想起来写博客。很久没有写了,说明我之前一直心情都太好了。呵呵,其实也不完全是拉,比较忙吧。一个暑假过来,觉得自己又变了许多,总之是变得好了吧,终于觉得自己是一直在进步了。开学之后也是一天比一天忙,刚刚觉得自己回归了“学校的生活”,而“学校的生活”就露出了自己的真面目。。循序渐进的让人喘不过气。其实打心底里来说,我也是蛮喜欢这样的,于是我又给自己找了更多的事情做。拜一是arebics & drama, 拜二是 BCG, 拜三拜四忙里偷闲,拜五是喜欢的tennis。于是好像一下子从零跳到许多,开始有点措手不及,但我心底里相信我是可以做到的,这也是对自己的考验之一。呵呵,说着说着就跑题了,我是为什么心情不好呢?原因很简单。你猜吧。。其实也不用猜都知道,和他吵架了呗。为什么吵架呢?那就从今天说起吧。其实也和今天的事情没多大关系,刚刚打电话之前也没想着又会吵架。总之,今天比较累,就是想打个电话互相温柔几句就可以继续忙了。可惜,他不是那种温柔的人啊。电话里被他问到一件我没有考虑周全的事,也就是做错了的事吧。刚说完他劈头盖脸的就骂起来了。我虽然明知道是这种结果。但还是心里很不喜欢,还指望能发生奇迹他能温柔的跟我说什么“宝贝~没关系的”之类的。。(这位老先生刚刚把我们的情侣手机丢了,我都一句多余的也没说阿。)于是心里就更不爽了,就吵了起来,本来没什么的,可是吵着吵着,他又说起来什么嫌他不好可以去找别人去的话,我的火就更大了。这种话我是不会说的。凭什么每次都扯到这句话上?就这么轻易的说让我去找别人?这不是不珍惜是什么?!算了吧。。自己私下说说就算了,不该写上来的。于是就有了现在这篇文章。这件心情不好的事就暂时搁下吧,一时半会也解决不了。 再说说今天吧。下午去参加了children society的flag day. 抱着为小孩子们做一点贡献的心情,坚持到了最后。还好,嗓门练大了不少,再加上此次的体会,打算以后看到有flag day 的volunteer 募捐,多少都会给点了。也算是设身处地之想法吧。这里有几张照片。
标签: feelings, life in singapore |
♥ 07:03 |
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又傻了许多貌似。。。老大 你啥时候回来啊~~~我很想你啊 !!!
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8,8的奥运开幕式是在raffles的一家食阁看的。因为不确定那里的电视一定会转播u频 道或者5频道,早早的就去了那里占了位子。我们觉着是幸运的,因为“抢”到一个好位 子,这里的食物又有多种多样,可以舒舒服服的边吃边看,还会比较无拘无束。来来 往往的人喧闹嘈杂着,勤快的anti来来回回收掉吃完的盘子,不过当开幕式开始时,所 有人都是安静着目不转睛的看着墙上的屏幕。有带着相机的游客,下了班的白领,形 形色色的人,来了又走了。食阁里打工的有很多来中国的兄弟姐妹,因为从他们悦耳 的口音中听得出,此时也是放下了手中的活,静静地看着。电视里放的音乐是听不太 清,所以也感觉不到太多那种气势磅礴的震撼,只是在国歌声响起的时后,突然觉得 周围那么安静,心中的温暖想要化作泪水涌出,可是不想要它就这样流出来,忍了。
觉着开幕式的那些表演都是很好,只是老谋子有点高估了那些老毛子们,他们哪里看 得懂那些朝臣的装束,郑和下西洋的故事,还有古老而神秘的文字,不过,就算是看 看热闹,也会被那些天衣无缝的配合,和宏大的气势所震撼与感动!
最后的点火也是很有新意啊,我们所有的焦点都聚集在李宁身上,看着他克服地心引 力般跑完了这个圆圈,于是就想到很多我们中国人经历的努力与辛苦。在这一过程 中,我们没有标榜太多的高科技,而是用心而真诚的努力着点燃了属于我们自己的火 炬。 虽然说看不到以后的比赛,但是总算是没有错过这么精彩的开幕:)。。。
♥ 21:24 |
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hihihi~~亲爱的,你都让我感动了。 那么有心啊,文字被你弄成了国旗的样子。看得我都想哭。呵呵,是啊,感觉这次中国算是出尽风头了,很霸气,为祖国感到开心。 你啊,就在那继续爱国吧,为了爱国英语是一点都没提高哦。。。呵呵,我理解你,你还是继续爱国,继续爱我们的母语吧~~~哈哈哈
这次中国的开幕真的让人刮目相看,虽然我不是出之中国,但也为他感到骄傲,因为它让我觉得他为全世界的华人们争回了一口气,我们华人并不输给XX人,强调世界和平更是令人感动..加油写吧!! 剩两科就考完了,加油!!
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these days~~~a little summary |
The BIGGEST thing now is the final exam. nothing can be more important (except my dear papa mama and dear bf :) ). so there is only a short summary for these days life. let me try anything i can remember``haha```` today i just finish my bcomm final presentation~~ 谢天谢地, all the projects, all the assessments are finally come to the end. how about my performance? erm````i think good, can be better lah, next time...haha. for some major projects, i really need to remember them.
ITB-PBL- We are forever J.SKY!
this is really a huge project of itb. from the very beginning of this semester to the very ending, we experienced a long journey. sometimes it is really a good thing to be a group. i will remember u, my J.SKY!
haha```really a happy ending, boss's birthday.
wish to see u guys next semester, really want to be classmates again, really. :)
xindan, me, amanda``i will remember u, :) really nice time with u!
this is another exhausting thing.... however, i can see my prograss. from the start of misunderstanding, unrecognizing by others to the end of leading our group to finish the project. i grew up a lot. sometimes really feel tired, and upset, but when i feel that i really learned sth, all the works are now worth the sweats i put in. fighting! next time```i can do better!
nadiah, me, anna.....
half~~bcomm class
dear mr shaw... he will be leaving soon....all the best!! we will miss u!!
the video of final presentation...it is to open ur own business, and all the classmates are investors. i just feel..my voice sounds weird... hahaha
The party go together with yuyang...
me, theo's boss, yuyang yuyang, theo, me view from the house
Theo's boss hold the party for his and Theo's leaving. yuyang said no wander he dont want to leave, since he has so nice a house haha, even with a small massage pool on the roof.
again````FINAL EXAM````i should put all of my little heart on it from now on. but still can not stop thinking the holiday after that.....haha...dear holiday.....all my sweet dreams..wait for me!标签: life in singapore |
♥ 02:42 |
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今天在等车的时候,一个男士过来问去BOTANIC GARDEN的车怎样坐。正好是回家要路过的地方,于是邀他一同搭车,由于新加坡公交系统的不完善(没有报站系统,路牌也很难看懂),可以顺便告诉他哪里下车。估计他是来旅游的,脖子上挎一个超大的单反相机,但是诧异他为什么一个人来这种相对偏僻的地方坐车,于是得知他刚刚去BUKIT TIMAH 自然保护区拍照,准备再去BOTANIC GARDEN 拍一些照片。此人从小在香港长大,后来又去了台湾,也在大陆呆过,口音真是难以辨别,不过他说听我的口音,还以为我是本地人呢(晕!最不想发生的事情……)。由于自己也是在新“混”了这么几个月,小有了解,在回家的路上,向他介绍了一点新加坡的情况,不过对于他提出的几个问题,还真是不怎么了解。 第一,为什么武吉知马自然保护区(bukit timah nature reserve) 海拔160m的地方需要插一个牌子标明? 第二,为什么新加坡的一些地方挂着与国旗同样式,却是彩色的旗子? 第三,新加坡有多大? 第四,香港的生活水平与新加坡的生活水平孰高孰低?
Description | Step into the nature reserves and journey back in time to the days before Sir Stamford Raffles arrived, when much of the island was covered with lowland, tropical forest. Though much of Singapore's original vegetation had been cleared for logging and cultivation, the forest at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve has remained relatively undisturbed. Likewise, patches of primary rainforest can be seen around the MacRitchie area and Nee Soon Swamp at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve. Other than being storehouses of water, today, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and Central Catchment Nature Reserve are homes to more than 840 flowering plants and over 500 species of animals (including butterflies). With such an astonishing variety of plants, animals and insect life, the nature reserves are indeed treasure houses of Singapore's biodiversity.
History & Attractions Bukit Timah Nature Reserve was one of the first forest reserves established in Singapore. The 163-hectare reserve retains one of the largest tracts of primary rainforest left in Singapore. Dr David Bellamy, a renowned conservationist, once pointed out that the number of plant species growing in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is more than that in the whole of North America! Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is also home to Singapore's highest hill at 163.63 m. http://www.nparks.gov.sg/cms/index.php?option=com_visitorsguide&task=naturereserves&id=46&Itemid=75
当我在听那个摄影男讲他看到那个标志海拔163.63m 的标志时,我听得出他口中的讽刺意味。也许是不明白为什么连只有163.63m的高度都要标出来?相比国内的山峰,这个高度值得作一番炫耀?或者是仅仅想嘲笑一下新加坡的地理,最高的只不过小土丘一般。我想他不知道这是新加坡的最高点吧?所以答案也只会是第一个。每个来新加坡游玩或者短居的人总会拿新加坡的“小”开一番玩笑,心情也是由开始的好奇与期待变成持续的不满与讽刺。你对新加坡,有多了解? 在这个小小的地方,也蕴藏了一些“最”。163.63m, 新加坡之最高点。163公顷的武吉知马自然保护区是新加坡最大的自然保护区之一,新加坡也因此成为世界上仅有的保留有大片原始热带雨林的两个城市之一。武吉知马自然保护区的植物物种比整个北美洲的植物物种还要多!知道了这些,又何必去用武吉知马山的高去和国内的山川相比?
新加坡國旗由紅、白兩個平行相等的長方形組成,左上角有一彎白色新月以及五顆白色小五角星。 红色代表了平等与友谊,白色象徵著純潔與美德。新月表示新加坡是一個新建立的國家,而五顆五角星代表了國家的五大理想:民主、和平、進步、公正、平等。新月和五星的組合緊密而有序,象徵著新加坡人民的團結和互助的精神。
The Republic of Singapore is made up of the main island of Singapore and 60 other smaller islands. With a total area of 253 square miles (655 square kilometers), the main island resides a population of 3.87 million. Singapore measures a maximum 26 miles (42 kilometers) from East to West and 14 miles (23 kilometers) from North to South. www.moveandstay.com/singapore/guide_introduction.asp
约占香港土地面积的61%,人口的57.5%。占西安面积的6.6%, 人口的53.2%。
新币:港币= 1:5.73
Prices ----------------Excl.rent ------------------Incl. rent ----------------City1 New York = 100 ----New York = 100 Singapore---- 85.9------------------------ 70.5 Hong Kong- --81.3----------------------- 72.3
根据零八年瑞士银行 survey of prices and earnings, 若除去租金新城的物价水平要高于香港,包括租金香港略高。
工资水平 Wage levels ---------------------Gross -------------- Net City1 --------------New York = 100 ---New York = 100 Singapore ---------37.4 -----------------45.0 Hong Kong -------27.8 ----------------35.4 (gross wages :before taxes and social contributions) 工资水平是新城较高。
Domestic purchasing power (including rent prices) ---------------------Hourly ------------Hourly ---------------------pay ----------------pay --------------------gross1 --------------net2 City3------------- New York = 100---- New York = 100 Singapore ---------53.1 ----------------63.9 Hong Kong -------- 38.4 --------------48.9
居民购买力也是新城较高。 以上数字来源于http://www.ubs.com/1/e/ubs_ch/wealth_mgmt_ch/research/prices_earnings.html#_1
08 年 香港的市中心房价为12,599/sq.m.(US$), 租金为5,297/sq.m.(US$) 08年新加坡的市中心房价为11,800/sq.m.(US$), 租金为3,300/sq.m.(US$) 香港的房价更高。 由于房屋价格两极分化比较严重,再加上新加坡有廉价的政府组屋,我个人觉得取平均价格不是很理想的比较方式,中间价相对可靠。以上数据是比较两地的市中心房价,比较有代表性。数据来自 global property guide, http://www.globalpropertyguide.com/investment-analysis/Global-housing-markets-in-review-and-some-forecasts-for-2008.
标签: 小城见闻 |
♥ 02:59 |
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今天的心情不好。 总是觉得自己很笨,做事情晕头晕脑的,可是个性却又过于要强,总想追求那种完美的自己。 想要自己聪明一点,反应快一点,不要总是别人说什么都反应不过来,又只能忍气吞声。想要自己英文好一点,不要总是有别人说什么都要问到第二遍才能听懂的沮丧。想要自己有自信,勇敢的表达出自己的想法,不再畏畏缩缩。想让自己开心起来,这样周围的人才能感受到我的开心。想要不再这么渺小,总是被周围的人忽视。想要自己更宽容和大度,敞开胸怀去接受别人与别人的看法。想要做事有自己的主见,而不是什么都觉得无所谓。想要不再逃避,勇敢地去面对自己畏惧的事情。 每当自己觉得无能为力,而让周围的人失望的时候,总是有难以抑制的沮丧。 而自己却常常忽视爱我的人对我的关心。每个礼拜给家里打的电话太少,而我又很少跟妈妈谈自己的心里话。还是不能完全的接受爸爸,两个人的关系越隔越远。总是跟男朋友顶嘴惹他生气,不够关心他,又对他的关心当耳边风。 做事的风格没有一点改变,磨磨蹭蹭,又拖拖拉拉。想做的事情很多,却又没有一件彻彻底底做到最后。真的觉得人生很失败,最爱做的事情就是发呆,手足无措,不知道该做什么。 失败了一次才尝到痛苦的滋味,决心发奋努力,而现在却为这些莫名的想法浪费时间。。。自己真的是在浪费时间。还有不到一个月就是final exam了,手头上还有一堆东西堆在一起没有处理。心情却像这样和新加坡的天气一样天天下雨。 啊!!笑语要加油啊。。你还有很多事情要去做,你离你的小小的梦想还很远。收拾收拾心情,就算再多处理不好的事情,你也要站起来。就算是强装出来的笑容,也要抬起头来去面对。就算我什么都没有,也还有我的他,我的爸爸妈妈。当我需要的时候,你们就在我心里。 对不起,我又胡思乱想了,我应该用这些时间好好学习的,或者做一些可以充实自己的东西。本来打算又看一遍千与千寻,心情可能会好一点。看到刚刚开始小千在黑暗中哭泣的镜头,觉得自己跟她一样无助。我觉得自己没有小千勇敢,无论心里多么害怕,还是勇敢地对汤婆婆说请让我在这里工作!小千!加油!我要快点恢复过来,要不然就赶不上别人的脚步了!班里的同学都如此的优秀和用功,如果想要做得最好,不是那么容易!不过只要我努力,会看到那么一天的!!标签: feelings |
♥ 03:54 |
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today is a normal day. but it is another day that i feel happy. im happy not because something makes me happy. because im a happy person today. although sometimes i still feel trouble to handle the relationship problem and im sad, at least i can get out of it without thinking about it. no thinking, no unhappily thinking. i can talk about it with friend and it may works, but i still want to change the things and endeavor for it! it will make me strong.
some things i can remark today are i watched a small concert hold in lecture theater. Sally, her boy friend and me, we went together to see the singing concert. the singer is 林宇中, who i never know before. I went to see him singing just because i wanted to experience something i never experienced -- listening to a small concert in campus. before that, i also seldom had listening popular singer concert experience. i like to try something i feel fresh. then i decide i hate it or i like it. the answer is i dont hate it~ except for the half an hour waiting time. it tells the truth, no singer not late, no matter how famous he is. i think his voice is nice, and the songs are nice, but not special enough to make me remember. However, i remembered him because after came back home, i unintended know he is 30 years old now. i cant see it from his face. he was a songs writer and editor for some famous singers. now he be a singer himself. published 2 albums and now advertising for his new album "homely life". I was moved by his sticking on, maybe his faith. he is too old to be a 偶像派 singer, and he may never be hot like his colleague 林俊杰. he must know that, but he didn't stop when he knew that. things were not better, he is singing in a small lecture room in a not large school. more than half of the audiences were sitting here because of the tickets were free, and it's Friday night. from these, i can feel his strong and his weakness.
i still believe, if u strive to do something, u will be achieved.
标签: 小城见闻 |
♥ 10:42 |
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memorry is part of life 细小的回忆 |
when things are passing, they lost their origin emotions,
pain, sweet, sad, touching......... the past dose not hurt just like an old friend, smile and looking at me.
时光飞逝,白驹过隙, 过了19个春夏秋冬,回头想想,心里是如此复杂的感觉, 那么多人,那么多事, 如果不是细细整理出来,就这样被封尘在记忆中,总是觉得很可惜 真的是后悔,真是懒到可以,没留下什么照片 不过还好,仅有的这样一点,拿出来晒晒太阳,还是会觉得温暖:) 2006哈哈,年轻时的自己,日子过得如此平凡简单。我的小宠物,有四只,小霸王,twins, 小小呆。
雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。 小时候长大的地方,再回去看的时候,物是人非,满目萧条。 小时候最敬爱的马爷爷,已是满头白发, 小时候一起下棋的小马昆,也长得比我高了:)
第一次来新加坡,那时觉得什么都美,一个人探险似的在街上跑来跑去, 看到什么都想拍照,一个人去看smu, 去看国立博物馆的展览,因为心情是如此的不同, 好奇而又充满希望,短短三天,却是定格的美好回忆:)
生命中的有些日子,想要把它当作空白跳过, 可笑的却是没有留下一点证据证明它的存在,而我不是故意的。
east coast
orchard night
batanic garden, 新加坡植物园,新加坡值得一去的地方! 图片中的花是新加坡的国花,orchid, 中文名是胡姬花.
sentosa~~ 虽然过多人工雕琢的痕迹,但是能享受到大海蓝天, 我还是很知足的:)
美丽的西安下的第一场雪,远处依稀看到古老的城墙。 今年冬天的雪很大,开始是开心了, 可是当雪一连下十几天的时候,就是一种灾难了:(
标签: memorries |
♥ 20:55 |
(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥
(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥
(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥
(xiao yu) ♥(xiao yu) ♥
(xiao yu) ♥
dear hua hua: i don't like to call u xiao yu.cuz only me can call u that,when i call u hua~,i feel very happy and satisfied...haha,i really miss u now babe,even sometimes i dreamd of u...in 2 months,u'll be xi'an,right?i'llwaiting 4 u,hope u can get good marks in the final exam. and,heihei,ur english should be impoved more!!!cus i can't believe that u r still in the level when we r in high school...that's a little funny,when i see ur words,i feel disappoint about it, i think u should practise more...fighting...! my little zhangyu bao bei!!
Agatha o(∩_∩)o
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